03 April 2010


Mawage. Mawage is what bwings us here togeva today.

Since departing on my trip, every time I have logged into facebook I have a new news item (anywhere from 1-3) that is informing me of an engagement of friends of mine. Everytime. I figure, since my trip is officially half over, that by the time I get home, I will be the only single person in Provo. Yes, I am very happy for all of my happy little friends.
That lovely statistic aside, my Russian friend Yulia told me about the neatest Russian wedding tradition. When you get married, you put a lock on one of the bridges with your family and throw the key in the river, signifying "locking your marriage". Of course, our temple sealings are comparatively much more binding, it is the neatest little temporal tradition I have heard and I love it. Here is a favored bridge.


  1. What a cool Russian tradition! The locks are a great symbol! And, by the way, quoting "Princess Bride" is THE BEST! I am glad you are staying single a while longer! You are only young once! Live it up and have no regrets! Love you!

  2. Thanks for all of your comments Diane! I sure love you! Russia hasn't given me any options for changing the single status so that situation is going to remain for quite sometime! Maybe I can phase out of the anti-boy mode that I have been in for the past year when I get back. We'll see. Not counting on it. ha.

  3. Haha, I just watched the Princess Bride yesterday! You should totally do that key thing on your wedding day, that's so cool! And no need to worry, I'll be single with you when you get back!

  4. Heather,
    There's nothing wrong with anti-boy mode! In fact, I sure am glad you have that wisdom. You are SO smart! When a "man" steps into your world, I have no doubt he will earn your heart. But, until someone comes along that is worth your time and heart, there's no sense wasting them. Keep being who you are! You are wonderful! Love you!
