23 January 2010

23. FIVE days=a million years.

This "floating/interim" time is just about killing me.. Innately I need to be overbooked and busily scheduled everyday or I short-out and don't know what to do.

The weekend in Utah County was definitely overbooked and that was great.

I will be reinstating my Franklin into my life for good; because the last 8 days have honestly felt like 3 months. I'm ready to be on the plane. I have plenty to do to keep me busy and much that needs to be done before I leave. So, not ready in regards to organization/packing/talk giving, but my heart is already there and it is quite difficult to live without your main circulatory organ to keep you alive and going.

I also cannot survive in Brigham City for an entire month. I forgot the slight irritation that occurs deep within me when people take me for a completely incompetent blonde. I have even been mistaken for 15 years old, learning how to drive, this week. (No, the assumption was not based on actually driving observance. "haha" - it was based on the fact I walked into an auto parts store?) Oh, Brigham City.

When I was fifteen, aside from adapting to a new atmosphere with no friends, welding our wheelbarrow back together and soldering an entire fuel injection system in my garage, I completely redesigned our floor plan by myself to the house that we actually built - Which, ironically, now has multiple identical neighbors within a few blocks. Oh, CONtractors.

I think what is really causing the irritation is that right now, is that I'm not able to be doing what I need to, and that is to be serving in Saint Petersburg. What good are knowledge and skills if we aren't applying them to the betterment of mankind? They aren't. Granted, I am probably the most clumsy and forgetful person I know, but it helps me be creative as a prevention tactic for my own downfall! My grandma taught me that. I may not be soldering or redesigning buildings in Russia, but I will be adapting to a new atmosphere again- and if someone needs help, and I think I am capable of accomplishing the task, I will do my best and pray to have the ultimate Motivator and Teacher's assistance.

Please excuse all incorrect grammar in all of my posts.

15 January 2010


They delayed our "tentative" departure date again until the 28th now.

I feel like it's kind of late in the game for them to still be "tentative" on everything and schedule our return date a month too soon. Luckily, I emailed them back and they said they didn't notice so the travel agent is going to have to fix it? I'm a little frustrated with the program organization at the moment and ready to be out of here and they haven't even purchased our tickets yet. Yes, when I get slightly irritated I use "and" too much in my sentences. My mom told me that last week.

Hence, I'm going to tie up all my loose ends in Orem and Provo this weekend including a wonderful dentist appointment! Then, back to Brigham for a week before I leave.

Side note-In the two weeks I've been in my home ward they've had me teach the Gospel Principles Sunday School class and asked me to speak in church. =fourth teaching assignment, three wards, four months. I learn so many life lessons everyday that deciding where to focus for a talk can be very difficult for me. I also realized how rusty my public speaking skills have become. Before the first talk, I didn't have a need to even think about addressing a group of people in any regard since my talk in July of '08 and FBLA Nationals was just before so I was in that "mode".. When I combine my lack of speaking skill with my deep appreciation for the most important thing in my life, my capacity to communicate instantaneously combusts.

Hence, I am still working hard at becoming a better person. That's just another area that needs urgent attention.

Although I am attempting to learn as much Russian as I can, all communication
skill will be revoked the second I get off the plane in St. Pete's. Hopefully, I will gain a whole new level of understanding for the attribute of "patience". I am getting anxious to leave.

Exhibit A-
Wearing my coat that will make me look like I'm 3x bigger than usual when zipped and over sweaters like Ralphy in The Christmas Story and purely keen.
Yes, my knees are slightly bent. ha.

04 January 2010

Title Explanation and Pre-Departure Info

I officially moved my temporal belongings up to Brigham City yesterday. It was a sad drive. I will miss Orem for the next few weeks.

I feel like the title of this blog needs to be explained..
the above "BEHEPA" is Russian characters but is actually pronounced "Venera". It translates to "Venus" in English. In the form of Venera, it is Italian, and also my middle name. It is the name I will be addressed as throughout my time in Russia because the Russian translation of "Heather" sounds like a swear word. I think it would just be too entertaining for the kids I will be teaching to say the least.

The above background picture is the one that convinced me to go when I was researching programs and locations.

Also, I did purchase a new camera to replace my stolen one, better late than never, right? Hence, there will be occasional pictures posted once I begin the routine blogging..

As I prepare for this trip and attempt to learn as much Russian as I can in the next couple weeks, I just want to thank you all for your support of me, friendships, and examples. I have appreciated my association with all of you and hope that once I return- soon -they will all continue to grow!

Thank you and I hope you have a Happy New Year!
