23 January 2010

23. FIVE days=a million years.

This "floating/interim" time is just about killing me.. Innately I need to be overbooked and busily scheduled everyday or I short-out and don't know what to do.

The weekend in Utah County was definitely overbooked and that was great.

I will be reinstating my Franklin into my life for good; because the last 8 days have honestly felt like 3 months. I'm ready to be on the plane. I have plenty to do to keep me busy and much that needs to be done before I leave. So, not ready in regards to organization/packing/talk giving, but my heart is already there and it is quite difficult to live without your main circulatory organ to keep you alive and going.

I also cannot survive in Brigham City for an entire month. I forgot the slight irritation that occurs deep within me when people take me for a completely incompetent blonde. I have even been mistaken for 15 years old, learning how to drive, this week. (No, the assumption was not based on actually driving observance. "haha" - it was based on the fact I walked into an auto parts store?) Oh, Brigham City.

When I was fifteen, aside from adapting to a new atmosphere with no friends, welding our wheelbarrow back together and soldering an entire fuel injection system in my garage, I completely redesigned our floor plan by myself to the house that we actually built - Which, ironically, now has multiple identical neighbors within a few blocks. Oh, CONtractors.

I think what is really causing the irritation is that right now, is that I'm not able to be doing what I need to, and that is to be serving in Saint Petersburg. What good are knowledge and skills if we aren't applying them to the betterment of mankind? They aren't. Granted, I am probably the most clumsy and forgetful person I know, but it helps me be creative as a prevention tactic for my own downfall! My grandma taught me that. I may not be soldering or redesigning buildings in Russia, but I will be adapting to a new atmosphere again- and if someone needs help, and I think I am capable of accomplishing the task, I will do my best and pray to have the ultimate Motivator and Teacher's assistance.

Please excuse all incorrect grammar in all of my posts.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Heather!!!!!
    Sadly, I thought I would be reading about your plane ride and Russia on this post. Wow! You are a great writer, because I totally felt the sadness and anxiousness of wanting to get out the door and do what you have planned to do. I feel for you! The good news, I guess, is that it is February 5th and you are in Russia (I think), and you haven't had time to post. So, I would guess you are VERY busy - which I know is good! We wish you the best in everything! WE LOVE YOU TONS!!!!!!
