16 March 2010

In Peterville they say that the Heather's small heart grew 3 sizes that day and the Heather found the strength of 10 Heathers plus 2.

Oh the randomness.

Tuna fish, potato salad, hot dogs.

Still going strong.

Glad there hasn't been a repeat of the Tuna potato salad yet.

Currently the things on my mind are....I love everything. I am amazed how many time's I've eaten potato salad. Everyone here is great.

Today is going to be a long day.

I wish it was Easter.

I don't know where that came from.

Maybe that I want starbursts and starburst jelly beans.

But now that I think about it..Easter is going to be amazing here and I really am excited for it.

Russian Orthodox standing for a million hours straight then having a feast at Midnight sounds great.

So many things are just so amazing to me. I feel like I'm to the point that I look out the window and fall in love with every snowflake, every part of every dumpy car, every aspect of every unique Russian, every cloud in the sky (when I can see separate clouds of course, otherwise just the embodying overcast large cloud), every weird food I try even though everything tastes the same, every time I just about get run over crossing the street, everything about my host family and that my host mom sang and cuddled with her 10 year old daughter before putting her to bed last night and that my host dad told an exciting story to the kids when my host mom wasn't home the other night before they went to sleep. This man is 66 years old, this woman is 62 years old, their children are 10 and 7, and they have the most wonderful family relationships. What dad in America walks his daughter to school every morning and loves making them breakfast every morning and gets super happy and into the stories that he tells them before they sleep? I don't know. Hopefully many. I love everything about it. All of the families hosting us out here are so hospitable and remarkable people. I love hearing the other teachers stories about interactions with their families. Basically, I love Russia. I love everything I get to be a part of everyday. I love getting to know the other teachers out here and love the opportunities I have had to get to know the missionaries here, and the mission. I've attended 2 baptisms and I love the happiness. I love happiness. I am really happy here. I am loving learning how to be, and how it feels to be really happy. I hope all of you back at home are happy in all of your situations as different as they all are. I love you all.

Cherish everyone you meet.

1 comment:

  1. Heather,
    It looks like we have a lot we could learn from the people in Russia, especially about not overlooking our blessings of people (family), and other things. I don't think I want to learn how to make, or eat, tuna potato salad though. I love learning from you Heather, and enjoy your enthusiasm! Happiness is a great thing, and I am glad you are feeling it!!!!! Keep it up! I love you!
